Learn to love your job

Many designers feels don’t love their job. Sometimes, they have to design fast. That’s OK. But the best design is not rushed. It’s thoughtful. It’s calculated. It’s not art for the sake of art. It’s slowly and surely adressing a need and a desire and delivering on it, learning from it, altering because of feedback and usage, and then starting the process all over again.

Cut off your ears! Learn to love your shell!

Your shell is your friend. Retreat into it to design. Emerge from it to present and listen. Never rush though. A blustering, out-of-breath designer has no fans, no friends. And you need people on your side. You won’t fix things overnight. But you might help in fixing things and solving problems over months. Quarters. Seasons. Dare I say, years?

Designers get to make things! Making things is fun. Designers have the best jobs in the world. If you’re walking around with a look on your face suggesting otherwise like you don’t love your job, I suggest you get a new job. Or a new face.

Seriously though. Designers, you get to make the world a better, more beautiful, and more functional place. How could you not love your job?


Now read this

Designer who don’t know everything.

All humans understand design. Trend. Editorial Voice. This is not rocket science. Design (which includes writing, art, creative work, etc.) is subjective. It’s art. Art is for Every one. And everyone deserves a right to an opinion.... Continue →