anatasof wirapraja

Digital Product Designer

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Google I/O 2015

Google I/O 2015 brings together developers for an immersive, two-day experience focused on exploring the next generation of technology, mobile and beyond. Join us online or in person May 28-29, 2015. io15

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Canon Rock - Cover (Final)

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Canon Rock - Cover (Take 1)

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Nobody Tell This To Beginners

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Screw your reputation

Believing that you have a reputation will only hold you back from really experiencing and living a life you deeply care about. It will hold you back from doing the things you’d really like to do but people discourage you. Be it you parents, your teachers or that career counselor. Screw them! But most importantly: screw your reputation!

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Tutorial Nexus 5 (Hammerhead) Android 5.0 Lollipop LPX13D

This post is dedicated to GNCI and written in Bahasa Indonesia on purpose.

By continue reading this post, you’re AGREE that I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE TO ANYTHING YOU DO TO YOUR PHONE.

Bagi kamu yang sudah ataupun ingin “mencicipi” operating system Android terbaru dari Google, Android 5.0 (Lollipop) yang beberapa waktu lalu baru saja dirilis versi developer preview degan build number LPX13D untuk Nexus 5 sudah bisa rooting operating system terbaru tersebut.

Flash Android 5.0 Lollipop LPX13D (Developer Preview) Via CWM

Bagi kamu yang belum berada di posisi ROM Lollipop (masih kitkat) flash via CWM (disarankan untuk flash secara berurutan):

  1. Flash Stock ROM LPX13D
    Credit: Vomer

  2. Flash Radio LPX13D
    Credit: Vomer

  3. Reboot

Nah sekarang kamu sudah menggunakan OS Android terbaru pada Nexus 5 kamu, Android 5.0 Lollipop (Developer preview) via CWM. Kelebihan dari flashing ROM ini melalui CWM...

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Inbox by Gmail

Remember “Gmail Blue”, one of the April fool that Gmail team have made in 2013?

It’s Gmail, only bluer. One of the hilarious April fool google ever made.

Lies become reality


Sundar Pichai, SVP, Android, Chrome & Apps, introduce Inbox by the same people who brought you Gmail, but it’s not Gmail: it’s a completely different type of inbox, designed to focus on what really matters.

Not only bluer, your Inbox that works for you become smarter and goes beyond email to help you get back to what matters. You can see order updates, flight status, reservation details, and pictures without having to open the message. Now you also can get things done with reminders and snooze messages and reminders to whenever (or wherever) you choose.


When you start using Inbox, you’ll quickly see that it doesn’t feel the same as Gmail—and that’s the point. Gmail’s still there for you, but Inbox is...

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When You Think Your Job Sucks

It might be your fault

It’s inevitable that you might have a day that really sucks after enough time at any job you’re in right now. Suddenly the job you loved starts to feel not fun anymore. And you gave worse performance to your work. It doesn’t have to be that way.

We’ve all dealt with bad bosses, kind-of-a-dick-coworkers or smaller pay check than we’d think we deserve, but that doesn’t mean the cure for your ills involves quitting your job and finding another. Every job is still a job, and every job comes with downsides. They call it “work” for a reason, and even if you’re lucky and doing what you love, you’ll have bad days, and it can still suck sometimes. You’ll still have to deal with bossy project managers, know-it-all coworkers, and, on occasion, frustrating timeline and busywork. Even so, many of us jump between jobs with only a matter of time after our first day until we...

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How to Start a Freelance Life as College Student

Having freelance work during your study in college can give you invaluable experience. It can be difficult to get started but you don’t have to worry though. Knowing a few tricks will let you jump and begin your freelance career while in school.

Know the value of freelancing

Taking on more work will inevitably take up more of your time. Before you start spending more time on freelance work, it’s a good idea to know how valuable the work is to your later career. Here are some points about freelancing:

  • Freelancing gives you a taste of real design work, hence you can figure out whether designing is something you want to pursue as a career after college or if you should change your mind and focus on something else. This kind of experience gives you an extra step ahead as you start your career after college.
  • Freelancing allows you to build your portfolio into something of quality. In the...

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Panasonic puts a 1-inch sensor and a Leica lens on new CM1 smartphone

Seeking to set a new benchmark for the cameraphone category

By Vlad Savov on September 15, 2014 08:25 am, The Verge.

Panasonic has made the biggest news of Photokina so far with the announcement of its new Lumix CM1 Android smartphone. The Japanese company quit making smartphones after the failure of its Eluga handsets two years ago, but now it’s returning with an imaging-focused device that’s as much camera as it is phone. The CM1 comes with a 1-inch sensor that dwarfs most imaging sensors in smartphones today and is on a par with what you’d find inside Sony’s RX100 and Nikon’s 1 Series of cameras. It has a 20-megapixel resolution and is paired with an f/2.8 Leica lens, a mechanical shutter, and a manual control ring. Interestingly, the lens extends out of the body, but is not a zoom lens, its adjustments are purely for focusing purposes.

The rest of the CM1’s specs are pretty...

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